15 Years of Success: Festival of Tables 2018
Article by Bruce Brown and photos by Judy Williams
Guest were treated to 29 tables decorated to the “nines” at Heritage School Saturday, March 24th. The Stockbridge Area Educational Foundation hosted 222 people at the 15th consecutive Festival of Tables featuring 222 auction items, approximately 25% live and 75% silent. Proud winners of the fiercely competitive table decorating contest were: 1st Stockbridge Lioness & Lions Club, 2nd Animal Blood Resources International, 3rd SSB Bank, and Honorable Mention for The High School Jungle. The event raised over $24,000, which will be reinvested in the community through educational grants and scholarships. Foundation President, Jennifer Hammerberg, expressed her heartfelt thanks to the community for their generous support and participation.

Stockbridge Lioness and Lions win first place with their MASH theme tables.

This is the 3rd year of the Lioness and Lions winning first place.

Margaret Houlihan and Corporal Max Klinger, aka Jan and Tom Clark, checking out the auction items.

A pride of lions enjoying the evening.

SHS Jazz band ready to entertain the crowd.

Julie Weiland, putting the final touches to the SHS staff jungle theme table. The SHS staff won Honorable Mention.

Mardi Gras was the theme for the second place Animal Blood Resources group. Mallory Donajkowski, Andrea McKimmy, Leanne Bremiller, and Gina Wright are basking in the glory of their second place win.

Balloons galore for the 3rd place SSB Bank. Sheena Williams, Kristi Brewster, and Donna Wisney show off their table. The table was decorated by 13 year old balloon artist, Drew Bennett.

Benjamin Franklin, aka Gordie Kunzleman, entertained the crowd as the MC for the evening.

Glen Noble, auctioneer, has donated his time to this event for 15 years.

Paul Revere took over as MC to give Ben a break.

Reporters, Audrey Price and Nancy Wisman enjoying the wonderful food.