Police Blotter by Police Chief Johnnie W. Torres Jr.

Stockbridge Police responded to the following complaints this week:

1017/18, 3:30 pm:  Fraud complaint in the 800 block of S. Clinton St.  An elderly woman reported that she was the victim of a scam involving a person calling and claiming to be a relative in jail and in need of money for criminal proceedings.  The victim is claiming to have been defrauded of over $3,000.  Stockbridge police  advise anyone who receives a phone call like this to call the police before doing anything else.

10/19/18, 10:30 am:  Injured deer in the 400 block of N. Clinton St.  Police responded and euthanized the deer.

10/22/18, 2:30 pm:  Traffic stop in 200 block of S. Clinton St. for expired plates.  Upon contact with the driver, a 23-yr-old Gregory man, it was discovered that he was driving on a restricted license and no insurance on the vehicle.  A subsequent search of the vehicle revealed the man was also in possession of Marijuana and did not have a medical marijuana card.  He was cited and released pending a warrant for his arrest.  

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