Stockbridge Township Board Meeting Minutes, July 16, 2018
Stockbridge Township Board Meeting Minutes, July 16, 2018
Stockbridge Township Supervisor CG Lantis called the Regular Stockbridge Township Board Meeting to order on July 16, 2018 at 7:31 pm at the Stockbridge Township Hall. Members present at the meeting Supervisor CG Lantis, Clerk Becky Muraf, Trustee Terry Sommer, Trustee Ed Wetherell. Member absent from meeting: Treasurer Kris Lauckner
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence
Sommer motion to accept the Stockbridge Township Board Meeting agenda Wetherell second All in Favor Motion Carried
Citizen’s Comments: No Comment
Sommer motion to accept Stockbridge Township Board meeting minutes as printed. Wetherell second All in Favor Motion Carried
Sommer motion to accept Stockbridge Township Board Financial report as printed. Wetherell second All in Favor motion Carried.
Stockbridge Township building department report for the second quarter 2018. Zoning 18 new permits, Building 20 new permits, 5- Pole barns, 3- Re-roofs, 5- New Houses, 0-Pools, 2- Decks, 0-Car Ports, 4- Additions/ Renovations, 0-New Garages. 20 New Electrical Permits, 13 New Mechanical Permits, 10 New Plumbing Permits, 4 New Driveway Permits, 5 New Address Permts,1 Demolition Permit
Deanna Kruger was present to ask if the Stockbridge Township Board would allow the decorations of the light poles on the Stockbridge Township Square for the month of October for any information please contact Deanna Kruger. Sommer motion to allow the poles to be decorated for Halloween. Wetherell second All in Favor Motion Carried.
Joe Cottle from Cypress Creek was present to answer any question on the Preliminary Site Plan for the Solar Panels. Lantis motion to accept the Preliminary Site plans as written along with the 2 concerns of landscaping fencing and buffering Sommer second All in Favor Motion Carried.
Stockbridge Township Board is looking to purchase equipment to have movie night on the square. Lantis is going to go to the DDA to see if they will help fund this with the Stockbridge Township Board. Tabled till next meeting.
Members of the Stockbridge Township Board is working with Mariah Fink from Peter Flintoft office to draft up a letter send to the Private Drives with 2 options for residents that have concerns with their private drives.
Sommer motion to use level one maintenance with Wolverine Power System for Generator Maintenance Wetherell second All in favor motion carried.
Siren maintenance has been tabled till next meeting
Wetherell motion to accept a 3 year contract with Pfeffer, Hanniford and Palka. Sommer second all in Favor motion Carried
Sommer motion to accept the Poverty Exemption as written. Wetherell second All in Favor Motion Carried
Sommer Motion to accept the updated to ordinance as written changes Wetherell second All in Favor Motion Carried
Lantis motion to Appoint Randy Snider to Stockbridge Township Planning Commission once a vacancy becomes available. Sommer second All in Favor Motion Carried.
Sommer motion to accept the bid for the Environmental Study on the Fire Hall for the cost of $5,300.00 Wetherell second All in Favor Motion Carried
Stockbridge Township Board will not allow The Stockbridge Town Hall Players to put signs on the Stockbridge Township Square.
Stockbridge Township will have Trick or Treating on the Stockbridge Township Square for Halloween 2018. More information coming soon.
Lantis motion to pay the Stockbridge Township Board bills in the amount of $21,611.64. Wetherell second all in Favor Motion Carried
Citizen Comments at 9:02 No Comments
Lantis motion to adjourn the Stockbridge Township regular schedule Board meeting at 9:02PM on July 16, 208 Sommer second All in Favor Motion Carried