Munith Lions book fair gives the gift of reading

Glenn Buckmaster receives an enthusiastic earful from a Smith student regarding his book find. Photo credit to Jill Ogden.
by Jill Ogden

An elated Jay Ransom shows off his new finds. Thanks to the Munith Lions Club, Ransom was able to take not one, but two books home. Photo credit to Tracie Lentz
Monday morning, Dec. 10, the book fair at Smith Elementary got off to a great start with a visit from the Munith Lions. Thanks to a generous donation of nearly $400 from the club, 24 deserving students were able to shop at the fair and choose $16 in books each. Students nominated by their teachers received this honor. Members of the Panther Cub PTO were on hand to help kids maximize their spending choices and take home more than one book.
Club president Glenn Buckmaster was in attendance as the children proudly showed off their purchases. Buckmaster said he hopes to make this an annual event. He thanked the Munith Lions Club and the community for its support during fundraising drives. He also expressed appreciation to the Reading Action Committee of Lions district 11-B1 “for playing a pivotal part in this event.”
“It sure does feel good to help out in the community,” Buckmaster posted on his Facebook page.

A group of girls studies their various book choices. Photo credit to Tracie Lentz.