From the Horse’s Mouth

by Amy Heydlauff

In 2013 we ran the quotes, below, from Stockbridge Wellness Center members (SWC). I hope they are all still doing well. 

Along with the programs and equipment these people used in 2013, SWC now has new cardio equipment, spinning bikes and SWC belongs to Silver Sneakers – a senior program. 

A few years ago we started the Be Fit program. It’s a program for youth (12-18) who want to work out with fitness specialists who understand their goals and develop a program for them that is different than a program for those of us who aren’t youthful anymore. The program is free and is for those who aren’t athletes, wish they could be athletes and in some cases, are off-season. Their quotes are the last two. 

These are actual quotes from members of the Stockbridge Wellness Center then and now. 

“I joined with worries about my balance worsening because of my multiple sclerosis.  After an assessment, my trainer planned a program to increase strength and improve balance.  I go to the SWC several days a week.  When I had my second assessment I was excited to learn I have improved in EVERY area except one.  I am eager to continue to improve my quality of life.”

“I joined the SWC in May, two weeks after having surgery to help me lose weight.  The surgery I had can cause muscle wasting so strength and cardio training is important.  I’ve lost 50 pounds.  I am no longer diabetic and I stopped taking all my medicine.”

“I enjoy my work out routine and feel good after every session.”

“I lost several pounds, but the best part is I have more flexibility and strength.  I like having a trainer there to help me and answer my questions.”

“Ten years ago I had bilateral hip replacement.  My left hip failed first so I had partial atrophy of the left leg because I favored my right leg.  Even after the hip replacements I had weakness in my left knee.  After doing the recommended exercises the weakness disappeared and my capacity for climbing, cycling, etc. is significantly improved.”

“When I started at the SWC I weighed 335 pounds.  Now I weigh 285 and am still losing weight.  My flexibility and overall health have improved dramatically.  The only problem is I have to buy new clothes.”

“My husband has dropped six points on his BMI and continues to reap amazing health benefits from his workouts three days a week.  He says if nothing else good happens that day he still feels it was a success because he worked out.  He worked out right up until a recent surgery and his recovery was much faster.  He was back to a modified workout three weeks after the surgery.  I have also gained a great deal of strength and endurance with the workout I was given by the trainer.  I have a great deal more muscle, less fat and feel better than I have in years.”

And from the  Be Fit students: 

Dominic Hoeppner: “ Be-fit has helped me get stronger, stay motivated and it allows me to work out more.”

Arianna Place: “Be Fit helps me stay in shape and stay motivated to work out.”

All of these testimonies are from regular people with all sorts of health issues – or maybe no health issues.  The thing they have in common is a desire to make the best of what they have.  Maybe the SWC isn’t the place for you – perhaps you’d like to work out somewhere else or some other way.  It doesn’t matter.  The important thing is finding a way to move more.  

I hope you too find it heartwarming to hear their stories.  They must be very proud of themselves.