Looking Back June 2019

Glenn Bros. auto agency

by Diane Rockall

One hundred years ago, the school year ended the week of June 6, 1919. Special events included: the Junior class reception held at the Opera House, the baccalaureate address by Rev. J. D. Adair, and Class Day on the 11th, which  featured “music, readings and more.”

The Stockbridge Brief Sun reported on June 5 that Stockbridge Presbyterian would be hosting a Sunday School Convention. Stockbridge Savings Bank announced CD and savings account interest rate paying 4%.

Hankerd’s resort was holding regular Friday night dances. Alita Moeckel closed her school for an ice cream social and then departed with her sister Arta on a trip to visit Niagara Falls. The Needlework club met on June 25 at the home of Mrs. Wm Riethmiller. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Horning had a son born June 2. Fashion changes that year included sheer Russian peasant blouses and costume jewelry.

Ten years later in 1929, Rev. Stevens gave the baccalaureate speech at the Town Hall on June 9. The Orson Salyer farm held a sheep-dipping demonstration that was well attended. Stockbridge Schools joined the U of M list of accredited schools.

Stockbridge first saw an automobile in the late 1890’s. The car was a Stanley Steamer owned and driven by Wirt Watson of Jackson. The first car dealership then called an automobile agency was Beemen Bros. in 1909. It sold Fords and was taken over in 1912 by W.G.Reeves.

Glenn Bros opened a Studebaker agency in 1913 which also sold Dodges. Ostrander Dodge-Buick joined Glenn Bros. a year or two later. Brother Jay died while fighting in World War 1, his brother Casper joined with C.G. Lantis, which also sold farm machinery. The two separated in 1934 with Lantis establishing C.G. Lantis & Sons farm machinery and hardware. Glenn Bros. later became C.W. Glenn & Sons, which continued to sell automobiles until sometime in the 1980s.

Coming Soon

Look for a slight change in next months column as I hope to begin including memories shared by lifetime residents.  If you would like to be included in this new segment please contact me at  [email protected]. Indicate in content Attn: Diane.

Diane Rockall is SCN Vice President and assistant editor.