Waterloo Township Board Unapproved Meeting Minutes October 29, 2019


Call to Order: 7:00 p.m.


Present: Lance, Walz, Kitley, Morency. Absent: McAlister. 7 residents present along with Charlie Barnum, Building Inspector.

Public Comment: Charity Steere asked whether it was possible to add extra money into building permits to cover times when we have to do a demolition. It was explained that we cannot make extra money from building permits and that demolitions were charged back to property owners. She also asked if we could do an additional question on building permits asking how the owners would dispose of leftover building materials. Peggy Beals said how much she appreciated the trash collection day in Stockbridge that allowed her to get rid of items. It was really great to be included in that collection. Many were able to unload unwanted items, including tires and paint. Kim Beck and Claire Foley provided help at the collection area, representing our Township, along with the clerk.

Consent Agenda: Walz motioned with support from Kitley to approve the consent agenda as presented. Aye/all; no/none. Absent: McAlister. Motion carried.

Correspondence: None

Old Business:

  • Walz gave a report on the last Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. Free book library stations are in place, as well as a new bench, trash receptable and a dog clean-up station with bags furnished. She also mentioned having a ribbon cutting for the new footpath and another plant exchange on May 26th before the board meeting. Having our own trash collection event here at our Township like the one held in Stockbridge will be looked into. Prices are needed for trash receptacles and a bin to collect tires in. Hopefully there will be information on this in the newsletter that will go out with tax bills on December 1st.

New Business:

  • Morency stated that the Planning Commission continues to review of the Zoning Ordinances. There is a public hearing scheduled for 7:00 on November 19th to receive public comment on a Zoning Permit Application for a special land use for a group home daycare facility located at 7508 Andrys Drive, Grass Lake, MI 49240. They are still accepting suggestions to be considered for the Zoning Ordinances.
  • Lance motioned with support from Kitley to approve land combination application submitted by Michael and Robin Dahl of two parcels: 000-05-36-126-002-05 with 31.01 acres and 000-05-36-126-002-03 with 3 acres resulting in a single new parcel, 000-05-36-126-002-06 with a total of 34.01 acres and frontage on Jefferson Street which intersects with Clear Lake Road. Aye/all; no/none. Absent: McAlister. Motion carried.
  • Walz motioned with support from Lance to accept the snow plowing bid from Green Shades Mowing in the amounts of $100 for daytime plowing/salting per push at 1.5 – 3 inch depth; overnight snows over 3 inches and up to 5 inches will be plowed and salted once at $160; snow accumulations over 5 inches will require multiple plows a the $100.00 per plow; salt only parking lot/driveway & clearing sidewalks for 1 inch or less will be $45 per visit. Roll call vote: Yes/Lance, Morency, Walz, Kitley; no/none. Absent: McAlister. Motion carried.
  • Walz motioned with support from Morency to accept the bid from Peterson Electric for $2,840 unless permits cost less than quoted to put additional wiring in the food serving area in the town hall. Roll call vote: Yes/Morency, Walz, Kitley, Lance; no/none. Absent: McAlister. Motion carried.
  • Discussion of the newsletter that will be included in the December property tax bills.

Other Business That Comes Before The Board: Lance appointed the following to new terms on the Planning Commission: Ted Beals, Chairperson, 3 years expiring in October 2022; Wesley Schulz, 1 year expiring in October 2020; Gary Siegrist, 2 years expiring in October 2021; Mark Zweifler, 2 years expiring in October 2021; Bill Steere, 3 years expiring in October 2022, Ralph Schumacher, 3 years expiring in October 2022. Ted Beals reappointed to Land Division for 2 years, expiring in October 2021.

Public Comment: Beals stated that we need to not call the area in the Township hall, getting updated wiring, a kitchenette. That specifies that food can be cooked there and would be questioned by the Health Department. Food is only plugged in there to keep it warm.   It should be called a serving area or staging area.

Adjournment: Walz motioned with support from Kitley to adjourn at 7:50 p.m. Aye/all; no/none.  Motion carried.

The next Planning Commission meeting will be on Tuesday, November 19, 2019 at 7:00. The next regular Board meeting will be on Tuesday, November 26, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.  Minutes will be published in the Stockbridge Community News at the end of each month, on our website at www.waterlootwpmi.com and on our Facebook page at: waterlootownshipmichigan.

Submitted by: Janice Kitley, Clerk