by Joan Tucker

Tammy Porter’s inviting brick walkway is bordered by shade-loving hostas that make a perfect backdrop for the beautiful pink clematis and dinner bell.

Dear Readers,
Congratulations to Tammy Porter of Stockbridge, August’s Garden of the Month winner. A judge writes, “This inviting brick walkway is bordered by shade-loving hostas that make a perfect backdrop for the beautiful pink clematis and dinner bell.” Clematis, a perennial vine part of the buttercup family—Ranunculaceae—requires at least a half-day of sunshine and prefers a rich and loamy soil that is well drained. Planting something in front of the clematis keeps the roots cool and protected.
This Garden Contest runs from May 2020 through March 2021. A garden will be chosen and shared each month. In March 2021, readers will vote for their favorite garden. Next year’s winner will receive a $50 gift certificate to Tulip Tree Gardens funded by Dorothy Craft’s Sewing and Alterations and Tulip Tree Gardens. To enter a garden, send up to five photos by the 15th of each month. Email photos to [email protected] and use “Gardens” as the subject. Include your name, physical address of the garden and a phone number.