Local group pitches in to ready longtime local resident for spring

by Patrice Johnson

April 15, longtime local resident Dorene White, aged 98, received a helping hand preparing for warm weather from the Stockbridge Civil Defense (SCD), a group of like-minded individuals who support community.

“Dorene personally designed her home and has lived there nearly 70 years,” Jackie Scheller, a member of SCD, said.

The team cleaned gutters, raked, edged the driveway and sidewalks, cleared and mulched beds. White, well known for her chipper spirit and involvement in all things community, recently suffered the loss of her son, Larry White, who had returned to live with her in recent years. Then Larry White, 75, suddenly died Feb. 8.

Scheller broke into her characteristic smile. “It felt great to do something helpful for a great lady. The snow and rain stopped just long enough for us to get the job done.”


Left to right back row to front. Lynda Minger, Joe Piontek, Brian Connolly, Scott Bergman, Stephanie Connolly, Jeff Cheesman, Craig Mackinder, Jess Arnett, Isabelle Arnett, Anthony Blunt, Dalton Schotte, Kalysta Connolly, Juston Schotte, Erica Cheesman, Mickey Blunt, Mitch Minger. Dorene White stands in the doorway behind all. Photo credit: Jackie Scheller.