Historical society plans 60th annual meeting

by Arlene Kaiser

Please join Waterloo Area Historical Society members at the 60th Annual Meeting and Volunteer Appreciation Social, Sept. 19 from 2 to 4:30 p.m. at the Waterloo Farm Museum, 12493 Waterloo-Munith Road, Grass Lake, Michigan. The meeting is open to society members and those who would like to become members.

The anniversary meeting will be celebrated with cake, ice cream sundaes and prizes.  A short business meeting will  inform you about what has been happening at the museum.

At 3:30 p.m., a history presentation will be open to the public. Brian Dewey and James Hunt will present “Forgotten History: Indian Trails and Waterways.”  After all,  we are the Waterloo Area Historical Society.

The more we dig into the history of the area, the more we discover about the Native American connection with the museum property.

Brian and Jim have researched and explored many of these trails and waterways themselves.  Photos and historical information of these explorations will be interesting to see.

During the business meeting, we will be voting for approval of updated and revised society bylaws.  These bylaws have been streamlined and will now reflect the future of WAHS.  Please go to the website at www.waterloofarmmuseum.org to review and become familiar with these updates.

We hope to see you there.

The Waterloo Farm Museum site has a long history from the time of Native American trails, to LaSalle and his men camping on the property in the 1600s.

The Waterloo Farm Museum is located at 12493 Waterloo-Munith Road, Grass Lake.