‘Reading Month’ filled with fun at Smith, Heritage schools 

by Judy Brune

The Dr. Seuss quote, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go,” is especially true for students at Smith Elementary this year. With a theme of “Read Across America,” the school’s March is Reading Month activities will be focused on “taking a road trip across the country” (including the great state of Michigan!) through books.

For many years, March has been a fun-filled month of school activities to encourage and celebrate reading. This year is no exception.

At Smith, students will work toward a goal of reading 3,000 “miles” (i.e. books) to earn a Great American Cook-Off Celebration at month’s end. Theme days with dressing in red, white and blue (or like a tourist!) and taking “virtual field trips” across the U.S.A. while reading corresponding books will be sure to motivate students. Fun days like Reading on a Beach Day, Camp-Out Reading Day and a Reading Road Trip (where there will be an interactive map that has links to books about all 50 states) also are planned.

“Heritage Harbors” is the March is Reading Month theme for the third – sixth grade students. With a focus on “being a community and celebrating reading, literature and each other,” Heritage students will enjoy earning tokens and book prizes for reading 20 minutes in class each day along with listening to a school community read-aloud of “Harbor Me.” Fun rewards for meeting reading goals include extra recess, enjoying a movie and popcorn, along with a special event for the six top readers (involving Heritage Principal Mark LaLonde and cream pies!). Students will look forward to a “book swap” scheduled for March 14 and finding a “green book” to read on St. Patrick’s Day. 

Teaming up with the Stockbridge Library, all Smith students will be given a new book, while Heritage School staff members will receive copies of “Harbor Me” as well as other new books that have been requested. Prizes will be given to students who turn in a drawing from a book they enjoy, and they will be displayed in the town library. The PTO also is generously providing books with the March is Reading Month theme.

Thanks to Smith teacher Laura Whitaker and Heritage teacher Ashley Moore for the information provided in this article. Photos provided by Laura Whitaker.