A daughter honors her father, Casper W. Glenn. A Father’s Day tribute

Casper (C.W.) Glenn, 1891-1980
by Dorene White
My Dad, Casper W. Glenn or C.W. was a great Dad in many ways. He was a hardworking, civic-minded, generous, fun-loving sort of guy. Dad was friendly, he loved to talk to people and tell them about Stockbridge, his “tree farm,” his family and more.
Dad’s life extended from 1891 to 1980. His many grandchildren, great-grandchildren and spouses his surviving child (that’s me at 96) remember him red fondly. They frequently quote his memorable sayings.Nuggets like, “Wouldn’t that sink your bobber?” and “What other people think of me is none of my business.” Instead of saying yes, his affirmative answer to a question was often, “Would a fish swim?” or “Is the Pope Catholic?”
Dad’s roots go back to the North Lake area, then Dutton Road and next Stockbridge where he played High School football and broke his nose. Casper then graduated as salutatorian of his small 1911 class.
Casper began his business life in Stockbridge in 1913 with his brother Jay. Before Jay was soon killed in action in World War I, the two started a garage on W. Main Street to repair and sell cars. After retiring, Dad he often visited the garage, some days walking from the nursing home.
Casper was a big Stockbridge Booster, encouraging everyone to buy locally and support the businesses “if you want to keep them.”
C.W. was a good father to remember, and to further quote him, “So be it.”