Architectural consultant calls for immediate evacuation of downtown Stockbridge retail building

Sources report that when Judi Cook, owner of BA Sports and Cravingz, hired an architectural consultant to look at her buildings in the hope of expanding seating for Cravingz, what she received for her troubles was a letter of condemnation.
By Patrice Johnson
Sources report that when Judi Cook, owner of BA Sports and Cravingz, hired an architectural consultant to look at her buildings in the hope of expanding seating for Cravingz, what she received for her troubles was a letter of condemnation. After onsite inspection the consultant, working in conjunction with Tiger Construction Management, issued a report calling for the immediate evacuation of the building housing BA Sports. Apparently the report cited deterioration of the buildings’ original brick pillars that support the structures’ eye beams.
On Tuesday, Jan. 16, the Village of Stockbridge, fire department and police department all received letters from the engineer stating that the building housing BA Sports was unsafe. As a safety precaution and for liability reasons, the township building inspector, Charlie Barnum, had little choice but to issue a letter of condemnation and post it on the building until repairs could be made.
Cravingz is reported to be unaffected and will remain open for business. Cook indicated she has a structural engineer scheduled for next week.

After onsite inspection the consultant, working in conjunction with Tiger Construction Management, issued a report calling for the immediate evacuation of the building housing BA Sports.
It should noted that although condemnation is an alarming word, it may occur for many remedial and temporary reasons. For example, a structure is subject to condemnation if a sewer pipe or furnace is nonfunctional. Once the cited problem is fixed, a building is allowed to reopen.
According to Village President Rob Hollenbeck, “the office is working with helping Ms. Cook to expedite the repairs needed to get the property back up and running and safe.”
A local citizen remarked that since the structure’s issues could well have been in this current condition for the past decade, there is probably little need for immediate concern.