Artist Colleen Redfield honored with Mike Jones Award
by Paul Crandall
Longtime area resident, artist and educator Colleen Redfield was this year’s recipient of the Mike Jones Award for Contributions to the Arts, awarded in the Stockbridge Town Hall during the 2021 A Day in the Village festival.
The award, presented by the Stockbridge Area Arts Council, is in memory of Mike Jones, a local sculptor who passed away in 2019. Jones is remembered in the community through his work installed outside the Stockbridge Branch Library and the Unadilla Township Firehouse. This year marks the second time the award has been presented.
“The Stockbridge Area Arts Council recognizes and appreciates the contributions of Colleen Redfield for bringing the arts to our community for the enrichment of all,” reads the certificate presented to Redfield. “Thank you for sharing your talents and highlighting the talents of others.”
About 50 people gathered at the Town Hall to attend the awards presentation, which also included first, second, third place and People’s Choice awards. Among the works on display at the art show were three paintings and one pencil sketch by Redfield.
“Colleen has been sharing her artistic talents with our community since she moved here more than two decades ago,” said Arts Council Interim Chair Jo Mayer in a news release. “She worked with preschool and after-school students, encouraging creativity in whatever they did and instilling in them a love of artistic expression.
“Colleen enthusiastically participated in all of the Exploration Days held at the old Stockbridge Middle School and in Art Days held at Smith Elementary and the middle school,” Mayer continued.
One of the student murals she guided via Art Day still adorns a wall in the old middle school.
Redfield sponsored an art show in the Town Hall in collaboration with Mike Jones in 2018, bringing people together to enjoy art and jazz in one place in Stockbridge. She has also worked with The Town Hall Players and the Stockbridge Area Arts Council, and has led art classes through Community Education.
“Colleen has truly contributed to the arts here in our community,” said Mayer.

The award was presented by Ethan and Chris Jones, with Andrea Stickney presiding.