Ask an Expert: Causes of auto body dents, scratches

by John and Theresa Kightlinger

Dents and scratches on a vehicle’s body are inevitable, as numerous factors contribute to their occurrence. Understanding these culprits will not only help vehicle owners be more cautious, but also highlight the importance of timely dent and scratch repairs.

Accidental collisions: Accidental collisions are a leading cause of dents and scratches on vehicles. From minor fender benders in parking lots to more significant accidents on the road, the impact can result in visible damage. Even a seemingly insignificant collision can leave behind scratches or dents that require professional repair. It is crucial to remain vigilant and practice safe driving to reduce the risk of accidents.

Parking lot mishaps: Parking lots are notorious breeding grounds for dents and scratches. The close proximity of vehicles, limited space and tight parking spots increase the likelihood of accidental scrapes. Careless door swings, shopping cart collisions and careless parking maneuvers all can contribute to unsightly dents and scratches. Being mindful of surrounding vehicles, parking further away to avoid crowded areas, and employing defensive parking techniques can minimize the risk.

Environmental factors: Mother Nature also can play a role in causing dents and scratches on vehicle bodies. Hailstorms, falling branches, and debris during severe weather can leave behind unsightly damage. Furthermore, loose gravel, flying stones and sand can scratch the paint, especially on highways and in construction zones. Protecting the vehicle by parking in covered areas, using car covers during adverse weather, and avoiding driving through areas with potential hazards can help prevent damage.

Vandalism and theft attempts: Unfortunately, intentional acts of vandalism and theft attempts can result in significant damage. Key scratches, deliberate dents, and attempts to forcefully gain entry can leave owners frustrated and seeking professional repair services. While it may be challenging to completely avoid vandalism, parking in well-lit areas, installing security cameras or alarms, and using anti-theft devices can act as deterrents and reduce the risk of such incidents.

Auto body dents and scratches can be caused by various factors. Understanding these common causes allows vehicle owners to be more cautious and take preventive measures. By promptly addressing dent and scratch repairs, owners can restore their vehicle’s appearance, protect its value, and ensure a visually appealing ride.

John and Theresa Kightlinger own My Body Shop at 401 N. Clinton St., Stockbridge. The couple have lived in the area and raised their children here over the past 20 years. John has been in the auto body business since 1985, and Theresa began work at General Motors after high school. Between the two, they have been working on cars for more than 75 years. 

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