Beyond the Parade: Other Fourth of July Highlights in Gregory
The Fourth of July parade is really just the start of the day in Gregory. When the parade is finished, there’s so much more to take in for young and old—and everyone in between. From food to fun, visitors enjoy it all: Boyer the Magic Guy, a baked goods fundraiser, a watermelon-eating contest, rock-painting, elephant ears, rock ‘n’ roll, and of course, the annual fireworks display, are just some of the highlights.
Photos by Mary Jo David

Refreshments sold at the firehouse with all proceeds going to the Unadilla Township Fire Department.

More firehouse volunteers selling refreshments to benefit the UTFD.

Lemonade stand on Main Street was a welcome site for parade watchers sitting in almost 90-degree heat.

Bake sale proceeds are to benefit the UTFD.

This sign draws in hungry Fourth of July celebrants who get to satisfy their hunger and thirst with proceeds going to the UTFD.

UTFD volunteers working hard to benefit the Department.

Little ones enjoy the new playscape in the Unadilla Township playground across from the township offices.

The Fourth of July Committee works year-round to raise the funds for the annual Gregory Fourth of July celebration.

Gregory’s Fourth of July Committee booth with a marshmallow game.

Volunteers for the Gregory Fourth of July Committee add to the fun and spread the word about upcoming events to support this annual effort.

A welcome sight for those celebrating the day outdoors in 90-degree temps.

Littles enjoy the rock-painting activity under the big tent.

Boyer the Magic Guys decorates the umpteenth balloon he’s tied on this day!

Competitors see who can eat down to the rind first in the watermelon-eating contest!

What’s a summer celebration without elephant ears?!

The Stockbridge Community Schools Educations Support Professionals helped keep the kiddos entertained with watermelon-eating and rock-painting.

Refreshments outside of the Gregory Market enticed parade-goers.

A craft booth set up in the baseball field for anyone interested in shopping.

The Leaky Tikis under the big tent.

The crowd under the big tent, on the playground, and in the park enjoyed rock ‘n’ roll thanks to the Leaky Tikis.

It’s a Livingston Saturday Night!

…Livin’ it up at the Hotel California!

Fireworks commence!