Community Resource Guide updates and additions 2019
The intent of these updates is to include information not provided in the Community Resource Guide as well as to remind groups that we are now compiling information for the 2020 Community Resource Guide which is planned to appear in our January edition. If your group was included and you have information that needs updating please contact Stockbridge Community News by mail or email with your corrections. Copies of what is currently recorded for your group will be emailed to you soon. Those with no email listed will receive telephone calls if we have correct information. If your group is not included and you believe it should be please also contact or Stockbridge Community News, P.O. Box 83, Gregory MI 48137.
You will find elsewhere in the November print edition a story on the first three years of the Stockbridge Community News. You will also find additional information about the Stockbridge Masonic Lodge in the article on their recent donation to the Teen Center. Both of these stories were also posted on the Stockbridge Community News website.
Stockbridge Community News is a volunteer-run, non-profit, public information service operated by volunteers. Our mission is to serve as a hub of quality, consistent local information to build a stronger community. As an IRS 501(C)(4) organization, we depend on the support of donors and sponsors. Over the course of our first 3 years of existence, the News has grown from a four page newsletter to a full-fledged public information organization. Our website ( and Facebook page regularly serve more than 30,000 viewers each month. Our print edition, mailed monthly to more than 8200 households in the Stockbridge School District, reaches an estimated 24,000 residents in the Stockbridge, Munith, Gregory and Fitchburg area and portions of White Oak, Grass Lake, Leslie, Pleasant Lake, plus portions of Washtenaw and Jackson County. As you plan your gift giving for the end of the year, we hope you will keep us in mind, and we always need and welcome volunteers in a variety of areas. The News may be reached at P.O. Box 83, Gregory, MI 48137 or through email at [email protected].
Stockbridge Masonic Lodge a charitable organization that supports many causes in the Stockbridge area, including scholarship programs at the high school, sponsoring teams through Community Education and raising funds and sponsoring Adopt-A-Family for Stockbridge Community Outreach. A Mason is a member of the oldest and largest goodwill fraternity in the world, known as Masonry or Freemasonry. Masonry teaches that each man has a duty to make life better, not just for himself, but for everyone. They are in all likelihood the oldest continuing group within our community having established themselves by 1862 in Stockbridge. Their meeting hall is located on the second floor of the building which now houses Hometown Pharmacy. You can see their insignia on the door between the two Hometown Pharmacy Doors. Their charter does not permit the solicitation of members, but they are always happy to include new ones. Their history in the community is a long and active one. Contact Greg Uihlein at 734-905-0990 or [email protected].
Town Hall Players. Our hometown community theater group is always looking for new members: actors, musicians, technical directors, designers, backstage and front-of-house crew, and other volunteers. THP relies on the generous support of local businesses, groups, and individuals to continue to produce good local theater see our Facebook page Stockbridge Town Players. If you would like more info or to sponsor a show or the complete season, please find us on Facebook at We can be contacted at [email protected].