Eagle Scout Project Provides New Dugouts for Local Baseball Field
Stockbridge senior Landen Schipul was watching his brother play baseball on a diamond at the high school when he got an idea for his Eagle Scout Project.
“I was watching my brother play and I saw the other ball diamonds at the high school had nice dugouts and I thought that it wasn’t fair, so I came up with the idea to build dugouts for the field,” Schipul said.
And he did just that as he is in the process of building dugouts for the JV softball/ U-12 baseball field at Stockbridge High School.
Schipul started a go-fund-me page in the fall of 2022 and received a few donations for some of the materials and had a lot of friends and family to help him with his project.
The Eagle Project is a chance for the scout to demonstrate leadership of others while performing a project for the benefit of their community. This is the culmination of the Scout’s leadership training, and it requires a significant effort on his or her part. The project must benefit an organization other than the B.S.A., and it cannot be performed for an individual or business or be commercial in nature. Completing an Eagle Project is a requirement in order for Scouts to attain the Eagle Scout Rank.

The giant rock couldn’t stop Stockbridge Senior Landen Schipul from completing his Eagle Scout Project
The project ran into a little bump while trying to dig the holes for the post when the crew hit some rock which often happens, but little did they know that it wasn’t just a normal size rock they hit. They tried to dig around it, but it was just too large, and they had to bring in some big equipment to dig up the enormous rock that was buried near the ball field.
After Schipul and his crew got the rock moved, they were able to get back to work and take advantage of the nice weather that has finally came to Stockbridge.
Schipul has been involved in scouting with the Stockbridge and Chelsea troops for the last 12 years with his final goal of reaching the Eagle Scout within reach.
There is no doubt that the dugout project that Schipul and his crew are putting together will be used for years to come by kids from Stockbridge.