2022 Festival Chorus Recruitment/Rehearsals
Stockbridge Area Arts Council
PO Box 194, Stockbridge, MI 49285
UPCOMING EVENT: 2022 Festival Chorus Recruitment/Rehearsals
LOCATION of Rehearsals: Stockbridge Presbyterian Church basement at 101 S. Center Street in downtown Stockbridge
DATE OF Rehearsals: Monday evenings starting September 12 (September 12, 19, 26, October 3, 10, 17, 24, (not on Halloween), November 7, 14, 21, 28)
Time of rehearsals: 7pm
Cost to participate: Free, materials will be provided by SAAC
Calling all singers!
The Stockbridge Area Arts Council is once again putting on a community Festival Chorus that is free to participants. This year's chorus will be directed by retired Stockbridge choir teacher, Carol Hatch. Rehearsals will be held weekly on Monday evenings at 7pm starting September 12 with a public performance on Sunday, December 4. Rehearsals will be held in the basement of the First Presbyterian Church of Stockbridge at 101 S. Center Street in downtown Stockbridge. If you are interested please email stockbridgeareaartscouncil@gmail.com , message Stockbridge Area Arts Council on Facebook, or just show up at the first rehearsal!
The SAAC Festival Chorus performance will be on Sunday, December 4, 2022 at 3pm in the Stockbridge Township Hall, 125 S. Clinton Street, Stockbridge. All are invited and welcome to this free concert.
The Stockbridge Area Arts Council is an all-volunteer organization providing arts programming in the Stockbridge area for over 30 years.