27th Annual Christmas on the Farm

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12/04/2022 10:00 am - 6:00 pm

27th Annual Christmas on the Farm

Waterloo Farm Museum
Address: 13493 Waterloo Munith Rd, Grass Lake, MI 49240, USA

Waterloo Farm Museum offers a glance into the past as it recreates the Christmas season on an 1880’s farm. German ancestry is evident in many
of the activities and decorations. The Christmas tree, mantels, tabletops and doorways are adorned with glass bead garlands, paper cones filled with candy and gilded nuts, crepe paper flowers, soft cotton or wool Santas and angels, cornucopias, paper chains, spirals and snowflakes. Many items are handmade, some immigrated from Germany with family. Kugels, originally heavy glass balls suspended by chains or ribbons, later developed into more delicate ornaments often shaped into fruit, nut and pinecones. These lovely glass ornaments were made more beautiful as they reflected sun or candlelight. St. Nicholas rewards good children while his counterpart, Krampus with his claw and horns, swats wicked children and takes them to his lair. Both gentlemen wander the grounds spreading their cheer (or fear!). Gifts were few and simple. Much singing, toasting and eating take up time during gatherings The dining table is heaped with the best food available, delicious smells of baking and cooking fill the air, and singing and music are heard in the parlor. Do step back in time and
experience Christmas on the Farm.

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