Open Air Market of Stockbridge is on the Town Square

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07/24/2020 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Open Air Market of Stockbridge is on the Town Square

Stockbridge Town Square, South Center Street, Stockbridge, MI, United States
Address: Stockbridge Town Square, South Center Street, Stockbridge, MI, United States

The Open Air Market of Stockbridge began its 10th season on Friday, May 1, on the township square in downtown Stockbridge. We plan to set up each week so that we all can enjoy camaraderie, but still continue reasonable social distancing.

Our vendors will not be right next to each other and booths will be further back from the sidewalk, so that patrons can stand at least six feet apart.

We look forward to again featuring weekly Market Music, beginning June 12, from 5:30 to 7 pm because we need music! For the time being, we will not be putting out our chairs; so, should patrons wish to listen, please keep a safe distance from the musicians and others or take a walk around the square!

Vendors will vary from week-to-week—watch our online ad to see who plans to come each week or check us out on Facebook,

Remember, food bought from a farmers market has had only a few people touch the product--the vendor/producer and the purchaser.

Our Market is our hometown food source and we always show up—we have a perfect attendance record for our first 9 years—and we aim to achieve that goal in the future!




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