Several local Girl Scout troops will be hosting a free event on Thursday, March 8th at Smith Elementary from 6:30-7:30.

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03/08/2018 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Several local Girl Scout troops will be hosting a free event on Thursday, March 8th at Smith Elementary from 6:30-7:30.

Smith Elementary School
Address: Emma Smith Elementary School 100 Price Ave., Stockbridge MI

Several local Girl Scout troops will be hosting a free event on Thursday, March 8th at Smith Elementary (enter through the cafeteria door) from 6:30-7:30. Come and learn about different nations and try a sampling of food from that location. Some of the countries being represented are England, Italy, Australia, Netherlands, France, Germany and the U.S.A.

If you need more information or if you have any questions you can contact me at 517-740-0606 or by email.

Thank you,
Becky Humrich