From CADL Stockbridge

‘Wednesday Wonders’ at library provide summer fun

by Head Librarian Sherri McConnell

The summer fun continues at the Stockbridge Branch! Our “Wednesday Wonders” events happen all through July at 10:30 a.m. These include Drummunity, a community drumming circle on July 12; Let’s Learn about Honeybees on July 19, and the Freshwater Mussels Outreach Program from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife staff on July 26. Weather permitting, Drummunity will be outside at the library, but if it rains, we have a backup location. Call us at 517-851-7810 before coming to this event, for further information.

Also, this month our library will be hosting “Storytime in the Park” on Mondays, July 10, 17, 24 and 31 from 10-10:30 a.m. We will provide stories and a craft, so join us for some fun in the shade. If you’re not already registered for the Summer Reading Challenge, you haven’t missed your chance! It doesn’t end
until Aug. 5, so there’s still plenty of time to enjoy the challenge and the fun rewards that come along with it. For more information about any of these events and programs, go to, the CADL Stockbridge Facebook page or stop by the library.

Capital Area District Libraries’ Stockbridge Branch is located at 200 Wood St. For more information, call 517-851-7810 or visit