From the Superintendent’s Desk
Stockbridge Community Schools makes every effort to develop college and career ready graduates. Our goal K-12 is to prepare students who have mastered educational standards that are relevant and rigorous. We also strive to have students build communication skills and relationships that will benefit them in their post-secondary endeavor. Graduation is the beginning of a new chapter in learning for our students, and the diploma is a milestone and step into continuous learning. Senior High School Graduation is right around the corner for Stockbridge Community Schools. Graduation will take place on Sunday, June 2nd at 3:00 p.m. in the Senior High School Gymnasium. Our students that will walk across the stage in June will have a lot of successes that our staff, community, and parents can be proud of. We have soon-to-be graduates that will be attending four and two-year universities and colleges and students who will be pursuing career and technical educational opportunities and internships. Let us encourage and cheer on all of our seniors to finish strong throughout this final semester of high school!
In other news, Stockbridge Community Schools had Kindergarten roundup on March 21st. We currently have 100 new incoming Kindergarten students. We welcome this new class and will begin to focus all of our efforts to ensure that every day your child’s instruction and growth is being attended to by our excellent staff. We will continue to provide and ensure that each year your child will achieve academic growth. In thirteen years, we will look forward to another fantastic graduation ceremony at Stockbridge Community Schools.

Karl Heidrich has served as an administrator for Stockbridge Community Schools since 1999 and as Superintendent of Schools since 2013.