From the superintendent’s desk

Stockbridge Schools off to a great start this school year

Hello Stockbridge Families,
We are grateful for the start of the new school year and excited to have students back in the buildings. Our year started much better than the two previous years and we are engaging students in learning activities that will stretch them to grow academically. We know we have a lot of work to do to address the loss of recent years.

We have added support for the students and staff across the district. These supports are helping students to transition into a better academic mindset and will help them to meet the expected behaviors in being a productive student. At this time, we are not experiencing any of the limitations that have been in place over the last few years. We are thankful for your support, as we know that it was difficult for you, your students and the staff.

We believe that being actively involved in the school community is a benefit for the students. A structured activity reinforces their learning to help them develop organizational skills, interpersonal skills, and helps  them develop additional skill areas that support their learning. Getting involved is beneficial for everyone in our community. Encourage your student to join a club, team, or get involved with a community group or activity. This will help pull them away from the overuse of screen time and get them involved with other people who can enrich their lives.

Staff members have been sharing our ALICE training with students over the last few weeks and we have rescheduled our in-depth ALICE training with local and regional law enforcement for our half-day PD in November. This will help all staff and law enforcement be on the same page as we revise and practice our school safety procedures. ALICE is a safety protocol our district uses in the event of an active threat. The acronym stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate. These are strategies our staff and students practice in order to be vigilant and stay safe.

While our programs have not been limited due to COVID, we see and hear about its impact in our community. Our goal is to support your needs in our response to COVID. We are offering weekly testing for COVID to all students and staff within the school community. Currently COVID testing is provided before and after school on Wednesdays. Please contact your building office staff for further details if this is something that you would like for your students.

Brian Friddle
Superintendent of Schools