Garden Club decorates Township Square for the holidays

Front row: Molly Howlett, Karen Lunsford, Beverly Glynn, Judy Williams, Audrey Price; Second row: Connie, Joan Tucker, Jeannine Wayman, Jean Bliss; Back rows: Julia Neuhaus, Laura Morehouse, Terry Sommer, Connie Risner, Mary Wilson, Nancy Wisman, Debbie Shellenbarger and Sue Lindemer. Not shown: Dorothy Craft.

Photo and article by Patrice Johnson

The Christmas holiday arrived Monday, Nov. 5 at the Stockbridge Township Square when members of the Stockbridge Area Garden Club gathered to decorate the gazebo and Township Hall.

Norway spruce, donated by Rick and Molly Howlett, before it is decorated.

In keeping with their traditional generosity, Rick and Molly Howlett of the Howlett Tree Farm donated a stately Norway spruce and swags for the Township Square’s gazebo. Outside, hard-working garden club members teamed up to decorate the tree and hang the swags. Inside the hall, they strung garland across the balcony and stage, hung wreaths, and brightened the hall’s Victorian windows with glowing snowflakes.

Afterward, the group convened in the basement for a potluck and President Judy Williams called the meeting to order to plan the club’s next philanthropic effort.

“Ladies,” Williams announced before adjourning the meeting. “Next month is the gift exchange, and don’t forget to bring money for Outreach. Do we have volunteers to shop for our families?”