Gimme a Break: 

The plague of pet peeves

Put the toilet seat down!

Dear Reader, 

In answer to the question, what is your biggest pet peeve, several peeves raised their heads: 

  • Men not putting the toilet seat down
  • Chewing with your mouth open
  • People who make an appointment and don’t keep it.
  • People saying they’re going to arrange an event and don’t follow through.
  • Leaving cupboard doors open
  • Leaving dirty dishes on the counter instead of setting them in the dishwasher 
  • Passive-aggressive people who say they agree with you and then do something opposite
  • When you make an appointment and then have to wait because the service provider overbooked
  • Drinking out of the milk carton
  • People who pass gas and walk away and make you look guilty
  • Barking dogs

Heads up for Halloween: Send photos of your favorite kid costumes, entered in these categories: 1. Scariest 2. Cutest 3. Most creative 4. Other (You name it). Please identify who’s in the photos.

Send responses to, subject line: Attn: Pet Peeves. Or snail mail your thoughts to SCN, Attn: Halloween costumes, P.O. Box 83, Gregory, MI 48137. Answers must be received no later than the 10th of next month.

We look forward to hearing from you. 


Gimme A. Break