Gregory Fourth of July: Parade Highlights!
Here are some of the parade highlights from the 48th Annual Gregory Fourth of July Parade in 2023. These are just a subset of all who were in the parade. Make sure to attend next year to see it all firsthand!
Photos by Mary Jo David

Clare and Josie Beutler hand the reigns back to emcee Gordie Kunzelman after the sisters finish singing the National Anthem.
Emcee Gordie Kunzelman keeps the crowd entertained while waiting for the parade to start.

The town of Gregory can always count on the Unadilla Township Police to lead the parade.

The Grand Marshal float featuring the Wallos of Gregory.

Gregory’s 2023 Grand Marshals (left to right): Bob Wallo, Teresa Wallo, and Greg Wallo.

First wave of veterans from American Legion Post 510 in Stockbridge

More veterans from Stockbridge American Legion Post 510.

Local Brownie Troop gets into the parade action.

Stockbridge Softball struts their stuff.

Older bikes and boarders lead the way for the younger ones.
The little ones are not far behind on their decorated bikes.

Baton-twirling catches the eyes of the onlookers.

The crowd always appreciates the vintage cars.

This dune buggy headed away from the dunes to make it into the parade.

One of a few “cool cars” in the parade.

More locals get into the float action.

More than 30 tractors in this year’s parade…

…tractors of all sizes.

This float garnered a lot of attention from the crowd who appreciated the beautiful team of horses.

Mount Rockmore played to applause from the crowd.

The Putnam Township Tanker reporting for duty.

Unadilla Township Tanker 762 was not to be outdone.

Stockbridge Area Emergency Services Authority (SAESA) closes the loop on area emergency service vehicles.