Jill Peck of Stockbridge wins June’s Garden of the Month

by Joan Tucker
Dear Readers,
Congratulations to Jill Peck of Stockbridge, June’s Garden of the Month winner. To make a gorgeous palette, this garden is accented with many plants that bloom in June, from yellow and purple iris, a budded peony and snow-on-the-mountain ground cover, to a beautiful orchid color rhododendron with a white blooming dogwood tree next to it! There is even a cobalt blue birdbath for the birds and butterflies to enjoy.

This Garden Contest runs from May 2020 through March 2021. A garden will be chosen and shared each month. In March 2021, readers will vote for their favorite garden. Next year’s winner will receive a $50 gift certificate to Tulip Tree Gardens funded by Dorothy Craft’s Sewing and Alterations and Tulip Tree Gardens. To enter a garden, send up to five photos by the 15th of each month. Email photos to [email protected] and use “Gardens” as the subject. Include your name, physical address of the garden and a phone number.