Looking Back – for August 2019

Building erected in 1929
by Diane Rockall
The August 1909 weekly issues of the Stockbridge Brief Sun featured national, state, and local news tidbits with an emphasis on the surrounding communities.
Mrs. Frank Boyce of Williamsville and daughter Fern White of Stockbridge spent a Saturday visiting their mother-grandmother. White Oak reported a service held at Millville Church. Betsey Noble of Chelsea was buried in Plainfield.
Also in that month, again in Plainfield, Dr. Edgar Van Syckel’s family had visitors (unnamed) from Howell. The Milo Smith’s visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lantis of White Oak.
Mary Nue Lantis, born in 1877, died August 10. She was survived by her husband and five children. Charles Stocking of Ann Arbor married Anne Grace Cook at the Cook family home in Stockbridge.
Later that month the descendants of Isaac Dunn held a family reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wright of Leslie. Of the 144 known descendants 108 were present. Relatives from throughout the state attended and regrets came from Tennessee, Wisconsin and throughout Michigan.
The William and Hannah Bott family held a reunion at the home of Norris Bott in Stockbridge. That reunion had 60 attendees. Bott erected a large tent on the lawn.
The Hall, Park, and Skidmore families also held reunions that month.
In 1929 the August 1 Brief-Sun reported that the Ingham County Poultry show was to be held in Mason. Stockbridge Daily Vacation Bible School was in session.
Construction of the new school building continued in August. Work on different segments began as bids were accepted. The Stockbridge School District held a Sunday school picnic on August 8 which drew a large crowd. Schools were scheduled to reopen September 3.
Resident Lucille Falk received recognition and praise from the Ingham County Red Cross.
Griffin Palmer of Unadilla died as did W.R. Hague of Munith. A memorial was observed for Judson Collins. A local boy, William Moffatt, drowned in a North Hastings tragedy.
The local Lutheran Church held a mission festival. The Munith Bible School ended on August 16.
The 1949 newspaper featured church news on the front page. Churches mentioned were: Stockbridge Presbyterian, Methodist and Baptist, Unadilla Presbyterian, Plainfield Methodist, Gregory Baptist and Evangelical United Brethren. Villages still shared highlights – village reporting were: Munith, Plainfield, Unadilla, Gregory, Oakwood, Millville, North Stockbridge, Northwest Stockbridge, and Fitchburg.
On a wider scope Ingham County listed 27 police reports and new zoning ordinances. Local schools were scheduled to start the 1949 school year on September 7. Last but not least the American Legion held a banquet attended by 90.

Diane Rockall, SCN Vice President and all around volunteer