Matters of the Heart
Summer attraction leads to a longtime marriage
by Joan Tucker
On August 24, 1970, Norma Jean Mitchell (Normi), of Leslie, and Frank Spadafore, of Stockbridge, attended an Italian picnic at SS Cornelius and Cyprian Church on Catholic Church Road. “Frank was so handsome,” Normi thought. In fact, she had noticed him in church for a while. Shortly after, a mutual friend set them up on a double date, which led to many more dates and long phone calls.
Exactly 11 months from that Italian picnic, the date was July 24, 1971, Frank and Normi were married at SS Cornelius and Cyprian. Normi was the third generation from her family to be married there. She recalls that, during the wedding, as they knelt at the front of the church (a custom practiced in a Catholic ceremony), they suddenly heard a lot of snickering. Frank’s groomsman had written “HE” on Frank’s left shoe and “LP” on the right shoe, adding a little humor to a serious event.
The reception occurred at the American Legion Hall in Stockbridge, a night of dancing and celebrating, but later that night as they planned to head off on their honeymoon, the car didn’t start. Frank’s dad came to the rescue with a borrowed car, and they were off!
Initially, Frank and Normi lived in Stockbridge, in the Doug Mills duplex. Later, they moved to Pinckney, where they lived for 25 years while raising their four boys: Michael, Tony, Joe, and Nick. Normi and Frank finally experienced the joys of little girls when they started having grandchildren. They now have six granddaughters and three grandsons (Ryan, Mya, Hunter, Phoebe, Aidan, Loela, Sienna, Georgia, and Stella). Normi and Frank enjoy all of them, playing Gin 13 and Chinese poker card games, watching movies, and just hanging out. Occasionally, Normi takes the granddaughters to plays that appeal to just girls, a special night out.
For the past 22 years, the Spadafores have lived in Stockbridge and love being close to family and friends.
Traveling has provided this couple’s favorite memories. Before their oldest son graduated, they visited the beautiful white beaches of Honolulu and Maui. Frank and Normi were entertained watching their four boys embrace beach life and meet Italian girls from New York City. At their hotel, the boys taught the hotel’s pet parrot to swear. The next day, the parrot demonstrated its new vocabulary while the family ate in the hotel dining room, which incited a combination of smirks and laughter. Oh, those boys!
Both Normi and Frank are so proud of their growing family. They continue to spend time together often and value each and every member. Normi had eight siblings and her parents raised them all to feel “loved and cared for.” They always had family dinners and went to church together—a great foundation for her as a parent.
As for Frank’s advice to people considering marriage, he laughingly says, “Don’t do it!” But after thinking a few minutes, he adds, “Don’t get married too young. Make sure you are ready.” Normi emphasizes that marriage takes wo
rk, effort, and communication on the part of both, as evidenced by their 51 years of marriage.

Exactly 11 months after they met at an Italian picnic at SS Cornelius and Cyprian church in 1970, Frank and Normi Spadafore were married at the same church. Photo provided by Connie Spadafore.

The Spadafores emphasize that marriage takes work, effort, and communication on the part of both, as evidenced by their 51 years of marriage. Photo credit: Nick Spadafore.