‘Never say never” describes Kathryn Humrich


by Judy Williams

Kathryn Humrich always considered the Gregory/Plainfield area to be her home.

The 99-year-old has lived all but two of her years in the area.


Those two years away from her family, she said, were a very difficult time in her life. She lived in Arizona, from 1943 to 1945, and it was during World War II.


But “never say never” are the words Kathryn has lived by, and her long life has been highlighted by family and traveling.


Always up for a travel adventure, her favorite response when asked to go on a trip is “Let me get my hat.”


She was born at the home of her parents, John and Eldiva (Mitchell) Roberts, on May 29, 1919. Kathryn said she came into this world just weighing 1 pound 10 ounces. Their home was on Wasson Road, a few miles north of Gregory. The Roberts’ farm is still owned and lived in by the Roberts family.


Kathryn’s early elementary years were spent attending a country school at the corner of Roberts and Wasson Roads, within walking distance of her home. Later, she attended Gregory elementary and high school in Fowlerville, graduating in 1938.


Before marrying, Kathryn worked at the Howard Marshall dry goods store in Gregory. On March 1, 1942, she married Ralph Humrich, who became her husband for 52 years. Her next job was as a homemaker and mother to their six children: Gary, Larry, Ron, Linda, Carol, and Elaine.


Kathryn considers raising her children to be her greatest accomplishment. The family has grown to 18 grandchildren, 33 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.


In 1965, Ralph purchased his business, R.W. Humrich & Sons, which continues as a family business. Kathryn became the bookkeeper.


This young 99-year-old has witnessed many changes in her life, the major ones in technology. Kathryn has witnessed changes in everything from transportation to televisions, computers to phones, and just about everything else depended on in everyday life.


When asked her secret to a long life, Kathryn’s reply was, “I had nothing to do with it. It is all in God’s plan.”