Outreach in Action

Regardless of which came first—chickens or eggs—Outreach is grateful to local FFA chapter

by Jo Mayer and Paul Crandall

The timeless conundrum of which came first – the chicken or the egg – acquired a literal meaning at Stockbridge Community Outreach as we tried to recall our first contact with Stockbridge Jr/Sr High School’s Future Farmers of America (FFA) group.

“I think it was eggs, first, then some produce and eventually chickens,” offered Outreach Director Gwen Reid. Reid recently visited the group’s classroom to pick up both chickens and eggs to help stock the Outreach pantry. On this particular visit, part of Future Farmers of America (FFA) week, Reid returned with 10 processed frozen chickens and dozens of eggs.

“Our pantry shoppers always choose the FFA eggs over store-bought. They love those eggs,” Reid said. “And we love telling people about the student-led FFA.”

The group’s bounty augments other locally donated eggs to form the core of eggs available to clients who shop the pantry once per month for their families.

“Eggs are a versatile, easy-to-cook, nutritious and delicious source of protein, especially at a time when meat is becoming harder to get in the pantry,” Reid explained. “We really appreciate the local community stepping up and helping us feed our neighbors.”

The FFA Stockbridge Chapter has been a prominent and consistent donor to the pantry over the past year, giving a total of 129 dozen eggs, 80 pounds of vegetables, and more than 10 broiler chickens.

And the group’s local commitment hasn’t gone unnoticed. It garnered a Building Our Michigan Communities award at a recent statewide FFA convention, where the Stockbridge chapter was recognized for 192 hours of community service. This is quite an accomplishment for a chapter that went dormant in 1989, was eventually discontinued, and then was revived in 2022 thanks to a renewed interest among students and the community.

Not only has the group supplied food to Outreach, but members read to kids at the Stockbridge Library, helped at the Waterloo Farm Museum’s Pioneer Day and introduced fifth-grade students to the revived apple orchard south of the Jr/Sr High School. They even showed the students how to make cider with the apples.

Additionally, the Stockbridge chapter won two silver medals in an FFA Broiler Chicken Contest. But as far as Outreach is concerned, Reid believes all Stockbridge FFA members deserve gold stars!

For more information about the Stockbridge FFA, contact Stockbridge FFA Advisor and Agriculture teacher Bob Richards at richardsr@panthernet.net or (517) 851-7770 ext. 6204.

Gwen Reid, director, Stockbridge Community Outreach, visits with FFA students at Stockbridge Jr/Sr High School during FFA Week this year. Photo credit: Bob Richards

Outreach director, Gwen Reid (center, in green), thanks Stockbridge FFA students for one of the group’s many generous egg donations. Photo credit: Bob Richards

This column is sponsored by Stockbridge Community Outreach, our local food pantry, crisis, and referral center located in the Stockbridge Activity Center (old middle school) near Cherry and Elm streets in Stockbridge. Office hours are 1-3 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday and by appointment. Outreach49285@gmail.com, 517-851-7285, or find us on Facebook.

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