Outreach in Action: A weekly Outreach playgroup has sprouted for parents and children

by Jo Mayer and Paul Crandall

A seed was planted last year when the new diaper bank in Chelsea began to deliver diapers to Outreach for Stockbridge clients with babies and young children. And in February 2024, a seedling sprouted—Outreach started a weekly playgroup for parents and children!

Outreach was fortunate to have former kindergarten teacher Diane Tandy agree to serve at the helm of this new project, which is designed for Outreach clients with young children.

Tandy, a member of the Outreach Board of Directors, has a sparkling track record for rolling up her sleeves to pitch in for Outreach. She has been a core member of the team that prepares over 100 Tide Me Over bags weekly. (Tide Me Over began more than a decade ago and is responsible for sending packed food bags home with preschool, elementary and older students as a weekend food supplement.)

Tandy infuses the new, one-hour-per-week Outreach playgroup with excitement and enthusiasm. She hopes to help parents make new connections, learn useful parenting tips, and play and learn with their children.

A part-time worker at the drop-in childcare program at Chelsea Wellness Center, Tandy brings experience and skills to the new Outreach effort. Her own personal collection of books and toys helps outfit the room.

Tandy bristles a bit at the idea that this new undertaking is “just” a playgroup.

“Play is learning! It is the work that children have to do in order to make sense of their world. They need to touch things, manipulate them and, particularly, learn how to share them with others,” she says.

Tandy adds, “I’m hoping that parents have some fun and learn some beneficial ways to interact with their kids. Meeting new adult friends who can support each other through the challenge of raising responsible, healthy, and happy kids is also an important part of this program.”

The Outreach team has scrambled to find just the right equipment and furniture for this new venture and will fill out the room at the Stockbridge Activity Center as the program moves forward. But, thankfully, the most important part is covered—we have parents and children and a loving, caring, knowledgeable teacher!

Mark your calendar: On Tuesday, March 5, from 5:30 – 7:30pm, Smokehouse 52 BBQ in Chelsea will host a buffet dinner as a fundraiser for Stockbridge Community Outreach. Some of the proceeds will help pay for costs associated with the new playgroup. Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 at the door. For more information, please contact Outreach at 517-851-7285 or online at www.stockbridgecommunityoutreach.org.

Former kindergarten teacher and Outreach board member Diane Tandy prepares for the Outreach Playgroup—a new endeavor for Outreach clients who have young children. Photo credit: Jo Mayer

“Play is learning,” and the Outreach playgroup room has been set up with that in mind. Photo credit: Jo Mayer

This column is sponsored by Stockbridge Community Outreach, our local food pantry, crisis, and referral center located in the Stockbridge Activity Center (old middle school) near Cherry and Elm streets in Stockbridge. Office hours are 1-3 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday and by appointment. Outreach49285@gmail.com, 517-851-7285, or find us on Facebook.