Outreach in Action: In the new year, many things old can be new again

by Jo Mayer and Paul Crandall

Happy New Year! Time to sweep out the old and usher in the new, right? But what to do with the old stuff?

Stockbridge Community Outreach takes many reusable items and gives them to anyone who stops by our clothing and household goods “free store.” Our volunteers maintain a neat, pleasant shopping experience with a lot to choose from.

We appreciate the donations, but in these times of “peak stuff” we cannot use everything our generous community wants to donate. Here’s an overview of what Outreach takes and some ideas of other places you might consider for your clean and usable things.


Stockbridge Community Outreach: Off Cherry and Elm streets, Door No. 20 (in the back of the Stockbridge Activity Center at 305 W. Elizabeth St., Stockbridge.) Store and drop-off hours are 1-3 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday or by appointment. 517-851-7285.

From the second week of January through early November, we accept seasonal clothing for all ages and sizes, outerwear, footwear, dishes and small household appliances (like a microwave or toaster), some toys, accessories (belts, purses, scarves, etc.), bedding, blankets, towels, curtains, glassware, and pots and pans. We also accept non-expired shelf stable food to offer in our pantry.

Heritage and Smith Schools’ K-4 STEM program: 222 Western St., Stockbridge. Instructor: Donnie Anderson. Some specific things the grade K-4 STEM classes can use include: Legos, marbles, AAA and AA batteries, glue, baking soda, bubbles/bubble wands, pool noodles, craft supplies, highlighters, space/science toys, kinetic sand/modeling dough, disposable cups/plates/bowls, balloons, plant seeds, zip-lock bags and magnets. To arrange a donation, email andersond@panthernet.net

Heritage School’s Kids Club After-School Child Care Program: Taught by Lynn Balkus who is always looking for gently used board games, puzzles, arts-and-crafts supplies, sports equipment and building sets. To arrange a donation, email balkusm@panthernet.net

Smith Elementary School: 100 Price Ave., Stockbridge. Principal Brad Edwards reports that they can always use winter clothing, including boots, snow pants, coats, hats, mittens and gloves. Facial tissues also are in high demand, especially in winter. Call the school at 517-851-7735 or email welchm@panthernet.net.

Stockbridge Jr/Sr High School Art Program: 416 N. Clinton, Stockbridge. Jay Langone, art instructor, is looking for paper, art supplies, old magazines and crafting supplies. Contact Jay at langonej@panthernet.net

Stockbridge Library: 200 Wood St., Stockbridge. Accepts donations of books, but due to limited space, staff ask that patrons only bring in a small number of books at a time (perhaps one grocery bag full) during open hours. www.cadl.org/Stockbridge or call 517-851-7810.


In addition to donating things locally, many regional organizations accept a variety of items. Following are a few ideas:

Faith in Action: Accepts and offers many of the same things as Outreach but also accepts and gives out medical equipment such as walkers, crutches and wheelchairs. Open most Mondays-Fridays, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Wednesday hours extended to 7 p.m. Located at 603 S. Main St., Chelsea, MI. 734-475-3305

Diaper Bank: Accepts and offers diapers for children, adult disposable briefs, bed pads, wipes, and feminine hygiene products. Diaper Bank entrance is through the side door of the First Congregational Church of Chelsea, 121 E. Middle St., Chelsea. Mondays from 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Saturdays from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., and by appointment. Call 734-475-1844.

House N2 Home: Ypsilanti. Accepts furniture in good condition, which it uses to furnish homes for the recently homeless. Please check website for guidelines at https://www.housen2home.org/ . House N2 Home offers pickup service within Washtenaw County. For questions, contactus@houseN2home.org. 5361 McAuley Drive, Suite 1125 Ypsilanti, MI 48197

Goodwill Industries: Accepts most things. Uses sales of items to fund its nonprofit mission of helping people build career skills and find jobs. For more on what donations they accept and a location near you, check out https://www.goodwill.org/donors/donate-stuff/

This column is sponsored by Stockbridge Community Outreach, our local food pantry, crisis, and referral center located in the Stockbridge Activity Center (old middle school) near Cherry and Elm streets in Stockbridge. Office hours are 1-3 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday and by appointment. Outreach49285@gmail.com, 517-851-7285, or find us on Facebook.