Pastor Josh Swieringa answers the call from LA to Munith

Pastor Josh and Karen with their six children: Hannah 13, Sarah 11, Keturah turns 10 in January, Josiah 7, Leah turns 5 in December, and Moriah 2. Photo by Cindy Lance.
by Cindy Lance
Drive East or West along M106 through Munith, and you cannot miss the large cross and stately brick church on the hill. A daily inspirational message, prominently displayed on the board at Jeruel Baptist Church, will undoubtedly touch your heart and trigger spiritual thoughts. Pastor Bob Castle was only the second pastor to serve in that idyllic church’s history, so accepting that he would retire after 41 years was difficult for many community members.
But the church began praying for guidance and launched a cautious search. The story of how Pastor Bob’s replacement came to be stands as a reminder to believers of God’s presence, and of His plan for a community in search of a new leader, and a young family in search of their forever home.
January 2019 officially rings in the two-year anniversary of Pastor Josh Swieringa’s service at Jeruel Baptist Church. He and wife Karen welcomed this reporter into their home to talk about how God led them to Jeruel and the local community.
Pastor Josh spent his early life in rural Iowa, he said, where he felt he was going to be a farmer, pastor, or missionary. His father, a pastor, was offered an assistant pastor position in a Muskegon church. That ultimately moved the family to Michigan, and while in the youth program at that church, Josh met his future wife, Karen.
Years later, a grown Josh started as part time pastor serving at the side of his father at that church. There, he focused on youth and music ministry, and later moved into a full-time position as assistant pastor.
Nine years passed, and Josh and Karen were Los Angeles bound, intending to help others build a new church. Through prayer, the couple’s steadfast companion, they asked God to reveal His plan.
The ultimate networker was at work, Josh said. The Muskegon and Jeruel churches shared a common connection: They both supported a missionary in Spain. So while Josh and his family were in Los Angeles, he continued to network with his father in Muskegon and with Munith’s Pastor Bob. The family spent 17 months traveling and preaching in different churches as they tried to raise financial support to move to Los Angeles and start a church.
God closed that door, and they moved back into their home, which hadn’t sold, and returned to active membership in the Muskegon church. It was then that Pastor Bob spoke with them about his retirement plans and the need for a replacement.
The wheels were set in motion.
In August of 2016, Pastor Josh, Karen and their family came to visit. By January they relocated here to stay.
When asked about his goals for the near future, Pastor Josh indicated he and his family are focused on meeting the spiritual needs of the community. In the new year he plans to deliver a series of messages on the roles of the church, community, and family, and how these critical components meet the spiritual needs of individuals.
“We love the people of this community for their warmth and generosity,” Josh said on behalf of himself and his family, and he cited the benefit of the area’s small town feel.
Pastor Josh and Karen have six children: Hannah 13, Sarah 11, Keturah turns 10 in January, Josiah 7, Leah turns 5 in December, and Moriah 2.
Clearly, faith and love run as strong currents through this refreshing and uplifting family, and each member possesses a unique ability to share his or her joy for life with others.
This reporter left the Swieringa home with a warm heart and gratitude for the blessings this family is bringing to the community. She also brought with her a very nicely colored picture of a hippopotamus and the feeling that she had made great new friends.