Signs of Spring!

Article and photos by Rose Collison.

Even though March came in like a lion, some signs of spring are showing.  Tulips and daffodils nudge their way toward the light, lilac trees are sprouting buds on their branches and pussy willow trees are blooming. Red-winged black birds have returned, as have the robins. Geese are scouting for places to lay their eggs.

Our area, in its own version of the Swallows of Capistrano, welcomed the return of majestic Sandhill cranes on Feb. 21.

It’s time to start thinking about sharpening our gardening tools and selecting our flower and garden seeds. Mother Nature and Ole Man Winter are bound to cooperate soon and let us scratch in the soil.

I never plant my flowers or garden until after Mother’s Day, and for good reason. When my brother, sister and I were growing up, Mom used to recite an old Czech adage: “You don’t plant until after the three Ice Kings come: Pankrac on May 12, Servac at May 13, and Bonfac on May 14.” I go by that adage to this day and have, in turn, retold the story many times to my own children.

photo by Patrice Johnson

March comes in like a Lion.

Pussy willow trees are blooming.

Buds are popping out on lilac branches.

Sand Cranes return on February 21.

Geese scout a place to lay their eggs.

Garden tools are sharp and ready to dig.

Tulips peek through the mulch.

Daffodils nudge their way toward the light.