St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea now accepting applications for $172,000 in community health funding

by Bobby Maldonado

St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea is now accepting applications for grant funding to support community-based programs seeking to improve health and healing within the hospital’s service area. To be considered, non-profit organizations must submit an application by Jan. 15, 2019.

St. Joe’s Chelsea has earmarked $172,000 to be distributed in 2019 for community benefit grants, with half this amount reserved for programs targeting youth mental health. To qualify, applicants must have 501(c)(3) tax status, and offer a program that addresses one or more of the priority needs identified in the hospital’s most recent Community Health Needs Assessment. These priorities include: Mental health; substance use disorder, including alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, medicine abuse and misuse; obesity-related illness; pre-conception and perinatal health; social determinants of health, including transportation, housing, food access, social isolation, education, employment and health care infrastructure.

To apply for a community health grant, visit Community Support. Questions regarding the application process may be e-mailed to Reiley Curran, MPH, manager of Community Health Improvement at St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea, at [email protected].