Stephens Family celebrates five generations

Grayson James Walker, born on Feb. 22, 2022
The Stephens Family is proud to welcome Grayson James to their family. This wonderful addition makes 5 generations! The mother and her baby, Grayson, are healthy and the entire family is thrilled.
Pictured left to right in the photo above are: George Stephens, great-grandfather; Ashley Walker, holding her baby, Grayson James Walker (born on Feb. 22, 2022); Donna Stephens, great-great grandmother; Ann Stephens Mansfield, grandmother.
Great-Great Grandmother Donna was born in 1926 in Fitchburg. Donna & Great-Grandfather George are graduates from Stockbridge, as were multiple family members. Grayson’s late Great-Grandmother Diana Frinkel Stephens was from Stockbridge too.