Stockbridge Chamber: New faces, new ideas and meaningful projects

Board members Jenny Smith, Geri Uihlein, Mary Margaret Reed, Linda Dorr Inman, Erin Clifton, Jamie Bloom, Phyllis Taylor, Deb Winnie and Luci Stoffer.

Officers Erin Clifton President, Linda Dorr Inman Secretary, Jamie Bloom, Deb Winnie Vise President, Geri Uihlein and Luci Stoffer Treasure.
by Mary Wilson
Stockbridge Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring two special events this year: The Day in the Village, celebrating its 25th year June 14 and 15, and The Festival of Lights November 30.
The chamber has many new faces with new ideas, and its office has moved to a new location in the Stockbridge Activity Center, the old middle school, room 104.
New ideas and events planned by the Chamber include the following:
* A joint Chelsea – Stockbridge Chamber Golf Outing at Pieces Lake Golf Course, June 5 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Interested people should email Stockbridge Area Chamber @ or call 734-644-0544.
* A new Business Ambassador Team has been created. Team members have set up a Stockbridge Welcome Wagon to welcome new business and new chamber members.
* Plans are in the works for anannual Chamber Business Breakfast at which time a Hometown Hero will be announced. Chamber leaders are looking for nominations. Nominations may be sent to the chamber via its email address or by calling 734-644-0544.
The Stockbridge Area Chamber is a volunteer organization and people interested in joining, attending meetings or volunteering to help with events should call the chamber office.