Stockbridge Community Thanksgiving 2017: 24 Years of Warming Hearts and Bodies

by Diane Rockall

Event coordinators and hosts Julie and Mike Glair

Work goes on year around as volunteers gather donations and recruit helping hands for the annual Community Thanksgiving, for the past several years held in the Heritage School Cafeteria.

A small group of enthusiastic volunteers assembled in the High School cafeteria on Tuesday evening to cook turkeys. Wednesday, many of the same individuals plus others worked to prepare other items for the dinner.  Thursday morning, November 23, volunteers throughout the community donated items they had prepared, and yet another group composed of young and old arrived at Heritage to help serve.

This was the 24th anniversary of Stockbridge’s Community Thanksgiving, which originated in 1993 at the Munith Methodist Church. As is the tradition, Lena Montgomery, Craig Goodlock, Laurie Goodlock, and Director Julie Glair led attending volunteers  in a brief prayer of Thanksgiving. Then the doors opened, and a steady stream of grateful residents flooded in.

Removing hot food from the oven.

All were welcomed to enjoy the delicious Thanksgiving dinner at no charge. Meals to go were also available, again at no charge. This year 471 Community residents enjoyed the meal, only slightly less than last year’s tally of 500. In all, 324 community residents were served on site and 147 meals to go were taken out.

“We come every year,” Lori Zick said. “No muss, no fuss, and the food is terrific.”

Once the crowd filtered out, clean up began.

Expenses for this year were covered, so those who would like to contribute toward next year’s event are invited to send donations to Stockbridge Community Schools, Smith Elementary, 100 Price Avenue, Stockbridge 49285, care of Community Thanksgiving 2018 in the memo line of the check.

Volunteers are needed in all areas, and especially for Tuesday and Wednesday’s preparation and Thursday’s clean up. Information on how to volunteer will be made available next October.

Enjoying a wonderful dinner.

Anthony, Ethan, Noah, Gabriel and Emily enjoy each other’s company as they serve pie.

Elizah, Gabriel, Josiah, and Emily pause for a photo before returning to their job of rolling the dessert cart table to table.

A chance to moment at the serving table with no customers. L to R: High School volunteer, Tammy Porter, Kevin Smith, Ashley Moulton.

Serving a hungry crowd.