Stockbridge Lion’s Club

Introduction by Diane Rockall

For the past two years the Stockbridge Community News has published a Community Resource Guide each January.  The Guide includes basic information about what a particular group does and how that group benefits the community at large (Stockbridge Community School District).  The guide includes meeting times and locations as well as requirements for membership or involvement. For the next few months we will be featuring a few of the organizations, their history, origin and related information.  

If you or your organization should be in the Guide please contact Diane at Stockbridge Community News, P.O. Box 83, Gregory, Michigan 48137 or Featured in the August print edition will be the Stockbridge Lion’s, Stockbridge Community Outreach, and the Stockbridge Area Arts Council. The Arts Council and Outreach articles were posted earlier this month.

Stockbridge Lions Club: by Eric Holmes, immediate past president

The Stockbridge Lions Club’s primary purpose is to assist the vision impaired. The club helps provide glasses to those who can not afford them, raises funds to help organizations like Leader Dogs for the Blind, and other programs, both national and international to help those with vision impairment.

The Lions also assist the local community by helping groups and projects such as: Stockbridge Outreach, Dora’s Cupboard, Stockbridge Robotics Team, The Journalism Team, scholarships, and more. The club also organizes the events Sundaes with Santa and the Easter egg hunt. Lions Club members are involved in community events such as Day in the Village, All Clubs Day, and The Light parade.

The Stockbridge Lions  club currently has approximately 50 members. They meet the first Tuesday of the month from September thru May at 7:30 p.m. in the basement of the Village Hall.

The requirements for membership are a positive attitude and a willingness to help make our community a better place. The local branch of the club has been in existence for over 50 years.

Current Officers for 2019-2020:

President Julie Chappel

1st. Vice President Lance Chapman

Secretary Michael St. Dennis

Treasurer Program Acct. Lyneen St. Dennis

Treasurer Administration Acct. Rich Mullins

Directors: David Blanchard, Kathleen Mullins, Bill Stickney,

Cathy Snider

Membership Chair Gordie Kunzelman

Sight and Hearing Chairperson Charles Wisman

Lions Air Force in parade.                               Halloween parade