June 18, 2018
Stockbridge Township Supervisor CG Lantis called the Regular Stockbridge Township Board Meeting to order on June 18, 2018 at 7:35 pm at the Stockbridge Township Hall. Members present at the meeting Supervisor CG Lantis, Clerk Becky Muraf, Treasurer Kris Lauckner, Trustee Terry Sommer, Trustee Ed Wetherell. Member absent from meeting: None
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence
Sommer motion to accept the Stockbridge Township Board Meeting agenda Wetherell second All in Favor Motion Carried
Citizen’s Comments: No Comment
Sommer motion to accept the Stockbridge Township Board Meeting Minutes for May 21, 2018 as printed Wetherell second All in Favor Motion Carried
Sommer motion to accept the Stockbridge Township Board Financial Report as printed. Lauckner second All in Favor Motion Carried
Wolverine Pipe Line was present to do a presentation about awareness of the pipe line. Lou Kraus Right of way Claims and Public Affairs Specialist. He wants to remind everyone to always call 811 before you start digging to make sure it is safe.
Old Business:
Lantis is working on getting someone to do the Library cleanup.
Lantis will work with Wetherell and get the dimensions and Sommer will call to get prices for the trim around the building.
No updates on Stockbridge Township and Stockbridge Village cleanup day Muraf has called Village clerk and has not received an answer if they have talked with Granger on pricing.
Members of the Stockbridge Board has a meeting with Pete Flintoft to discuss private drives and updates to the Stockbridge Township ordinance.
Lantis is going to go to the DDA and see if they will be willing to donate Movie equipment to Stockbridge Township to have movie nights on the square. Muraf will be contacting Stockbridge Township Lawyer and insurance company on the risk of these events.
Stockbridge Township board is looking into doing an environmental study on the Stockbridge Fire Hall Muraf will be contacting Tom Wackerman to set up a meeting to get the ball rolling on this study
New Business:
Lantis has contacted 3 companies to get quotes for when SAESA moves out of the Stockbridge Township Hall. Stockbridge Township Board will be renovating the area and moving some of the offices upstairs to the old SAESA area.
Stockbridge Township Board had some areas of cement lifted to prevent puddles and standing water. When cement was lifted company does not fill the cracks on the cement so Lantis is waiting on bids to get this done.
Lantis is waiting on one more bid to paint the Stockbridge Township Hall on the outside by the peaks.
Katrina Griffith is asking to go to MTA yearly training in Frankenmuth on July 19, 2018 Lantis motioned to allow Katrina Griffith and any other Stockbridge Township Board members or Planning Commission members to attend Stockbridge Township will pay for class and the mileage to and from the class. Lauckner second All in Favor Motion Carried.
Sommer motion to the Stockbridge Township Board monthly bills in the amount of $26,754.30 Wetherell second All in Favor Motion Carried
Citizen Comments: Discussion
Lantis Adjourn the Stockbridge Township Regular Board Meeting at 8:58 pm on June 18, 2018 Wetherell second All in Favor Motion Carried.
Lantis reopen the Stockbridge Township Regular Board Meeting back up at 9:02pm to discuss Sealing bids for the Library and Stockbridge Township Hall back parking lot. Lantis received two bids one from Quinn in the amount of $1007.00 together and from McKearney Asphalt in the amount of $1490. Lauckner motion to accept Quinn bid for sealing of the back parking lot behind the Stockbridge Township and the Library Sommer second All in Favor Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourn at 9:05pm