September 17, 2018

Stockbridge Township Supervisor CG Lantis called the Regular Stockbridge Township Board Meeting to order on September 17, 2018 at 7:31 pm at the Stockbridge Township Hall. Members present at the Stockbridge Township Regular Board Meeting; Supervisor CG Lantis, Clerk Becky Muraf, Treasurer Kris Lauckner Trustee Terry Sommer, Trustee Ed Wetherell Member absent from meeting: None

Pledge of Allegiance Lead by Ian Ferris Kaylee Baker, Johnny Hayes

Moment of Silence

Sommer motion to accept the Stockbridge Township Board Meeting agenda as printed Lauckner second All in Favor Motion Carried

Citizen’s Comments: Discussion

Sommer motion to accept Stockbridge Township Board meeting minutes as printed. Wetherell second All in Favor Motion Carried

Sommer motion to accept Stockbridge Township Board Financial report as printed. Lauckner second All in Favor Motion Carried.

Lauckner motion to accept the Stockbridge PTO to be recognized as a 501C3 Sommer second All in Favor Motion Carried

Lauckner Motion to accept Kerri Klubhouse application to have up to 12 children with Planning Commissions request of a boundary fence around yard. Wetherell Second All in Favor Motion Carried.

Sommer motion to accept report from Planning Commission as written and approved with emergency number listed on gate along with all entrance codes given to Stockbridge Emergency and Ingham County Sherriff office, and annual inspection done. Wetherell Second All in Favor Motion Carried

Library clean up is schedule to start this week. 

Lantis motion to purchase the mulch for the Stockbridge Township Square up to $2000.00 and store it over the winter and when spring come Stockbridge Township Board will hire someone to lay the mulch and put a new border around building in the Spring. Lauckner Second roll call vote Muraf Yes, Wetherell Yes, Lauckner Yes, Sommer Yes, Lantis Yes. All in Favor Motion Carried

Lantis Motion to have Private Drive letters send on Attorney letter head and sent out certified to those private drives that had reached out to the Stockbridge Township Board for help on maintaining the Private Drive Wetherell Second All in Favor Motion Carried

Lantis motion to go with Tom’s bid from Specialty Satellite in Stockbridge to purchase movie equipment for Stockbridge Township Board to show movies on the Stockbridge Township Square up to $3500.00 Sommer Second. Roll Call Vote Sommer Yes, Wetherell Yes, Lauckner Yes, Muraf Yes, Lantis Yes All in Favor Motion Carried

Building painting will wait till spring when the weather is better for painting.

Lantis motion to accept changes to the building department forms that is described in the MIOSHA Construction Standard (Part 21, Guarding of Walking and Work Area. Sommer Second All in Favor Motion Carried.

Muraf will check with MTA and see if the Township can purchase candy for Halloween

Lantis motion to donate $100.00 to The Stockbridge Fire Department Annual Cider and Donuts on Halloween. Sommer Second. All in Favor Motion Carried

Lantis motion that Clyde Whitaker will continue the maintenance of Derby Cemetery for 2019 for $950.00 Sommer Second All in Favor Motion Carried

Sommer Motion to pay the Stockbridge Township Board bills in the amount of $33,034.98 Wetherell Second All in Favor Motion Carried

Lantis Motion we close open session and open close session at 9:06pm Sommer seconds All In Favor Motion Carried

Lantis motion we close close session at 10:26pm and open open session Sommer Second All in Favor Motion Carried

Lantis motion we vote on our topic of discussion during close session Sommer Second Lauckner recused herself All other Board members in Favor Motion Carried.

Lantis adjourn the Stockbridge Township Regular Boarding Meeting at 10:30pm