Stockbridge Township Supervisor CG Lantis called the Regular Stockbridge Township Board Meeting to order on July 15, 2019 at 7:30 pm at the Stockbridge Township Hall. Members present at the Stockbridge Township Regular Board Meeting; Supervisor CG Lantis, Clerk Becky Muraf, Trustee Ed Wetherell Trustee Terry Sommer Member absent from meeting: Treasurer Kris Lauckner
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence
Citizen’s Comments Discussion
Sommer motion to accept the Stockbridge Township Regular meeting agenda Wetherell second Amendment added to old business add Benches, Boarder and Trees. Under new business remove Katrina pay and just have Katrina Sommer motion to accept the amended agenda Wetherell second All in Favor Motion Carried.
Sommer motion to accept the Stockbridge Township Board Meeting Minutes as printed from June 17, 2019 Wetherell second All in Favor Motion Carrier
Muraf motion to accept the Stockbridge Township Board financial report as printed from April 1, 2019 thru July 15, 2019 Sommer second All in Favor Motion Carried.
Katrina Griffith gave Stockbridge Township Building Department Second Quarter Report for 2019 zoning 9 new permits, building 11 new permits( 2 new houses/ 3 Pole Barns/2 re-Roof/2 pools, 1 inspection 1 deck)
Electrical 7 new permits, Mechanical 5 new permits, Plumbing 2 new permits, Driveways 2 new permits, Addresses 2 new permits, Demolition 0 new permits.
Old Business
Lantis is waiting on a call that the material has come in of the canon.
Stockbridge Township Renovations are getting permits from Stockbridge Village and renovations still on track to start September 2019
Stockbridge Township Hall peak has been repainted and a new peak piece has been installed. New piece is red cedar hand carved by Brian Holloway.
MDOT has a 3 phase project 1st phase is the crosswalk from Hungry Howies to Mug and Bops a push button will be installed and a rapid light will blink when someone pushes the button for a safer crosswalk. This phase is schedule to start late August early September. Phase 2 and 3 will be sidewalks making them ADA complaint and doing M-52 from 4 corners to Green Road that will be hopefully early Spring 2020. MDOT is looking for $10,000.00 for the parking on the street for this Project. Stockbridge DDA will pay $4,000.00 Village and Stockbridge will pay $3,000.00 and Stockbridge Township will pay $3,000.00. Lantis motion when it is time to pay Stockbridge portion of $3,000.00 for parking and sidewalks to MDOT Stockbridge Township will pay that Wetherell second Roll Call Vote Wetherell Yes, Muraf Yes, Sommer Yes but with objection to the curb bum out on the 4 corners, Lantis Yes. All in Favor Motion Carried Thank you Girl Scout Troop # 30731 for pushing this along Great Work
Stockbridge Township Board will put a sign outside of recycling that states Stockbridge Township Residents only. Muraf will write an article with Mary Wilson for the Stockbridge Community News Paper that will go over the guidelines for the recycling and if residents cant follow the rules then Stockbridge Township Board will look into only having the recycling container only open on certain days and it will be monitored by Stockbridge Township or Stockbridge Township can only have the container there one weekend a month. Stockbridge Township does have cameras at this location that can be monitored to make sure that the container is being used properly.
Lantis motion that we discuss during the August 19th 2019 Stockbridge Township Board Meeting the Marihauna Ordinance that has been drafted up Wetherell second All in Favor Motion Carried
Stockbridge Township Board will look into what we will do with the Old Benches from the Stockbridge Township Hall
Lantis motion to allow Sommer to purchase Boarder and Tie Downs for up to $700.00 Muraf second All in Favor Motion Carried
Sommer has been working with Gee Farms on getting new trees to replace the 2 trees that were removed
Jeff Boyer has created Sky Theatre Stockbridge Kids and Youth Show will be November 8,9,10 Sky Theatre would like to hold their practices at the Stockbridge Township Hall. Jeff Boyer will contact Stockbridge Township General Clerk to look into the cost and availability
Lantis motion to raise Zoning and Code Enforcement pay from $15.00 to $20.00 an hour with pay on the quarter hour Wetherell second Roll Call Vote Sommer Yes, Wetherell Yes, Muraf Yes, Lantis Yes All in Favor Motion Carried
Lantis Motion to have a Stockbridge Township Cleanup day with Waterloo Township on September 28, 2019 from 10am to 2pm behind S.A.E.S.A 1009 S Clinton Rd Sommer second All in Favor Motion Carried
Sommer motion to pay Stockbridge Township Board monthly bills in the amount of $16,330.73 Wetherell second All in Favor Motion Carried.
Citizen Comments Discussion
Lantis motion at 8:55PM to adjourn the Stockbridge Township Regular Board Meeting Wetherell second All in Favor Motion stopped at 8:55PM Katrina Griffith asked to go to annual training on September 25 thru 27 in Kalamazoo Lantis motion to give Katrina up to $800.00 for Classes Food and Room Sommer second All in Favor Motion Carried.
Lantis adjouned the Stockbridge Township Board meeting at 8:56pm on July 15, 2019