Stockbridge Township Supervisor CG Lantis called the Regular Stockbridge Township Board Meeting to order June 17, 2024, at 7:00pm at the Stockbridge Township Hall. Members present at the Stockbridge Township Regular Board Meeting; Supervisor CG Lantis, Treasurer James Wireman, Clerk Becky Muraf, Trustee Terry Sommer, Trustee Ed Wetherell Member absent None

Pledge of Allegiance

Moment of Silence

Sommer motion to approve the Stockbridge Township Regular Board Meeting agenda as written Wetherell Second All in Favor Motion Carried

Citizen Comments None

Sommer motion to approve the Stockbridge Township Board meeting minutes from May 20, 2024, as printed Wetherell Second Corrects second page remove the word off on the 5th paragraph down and 7th paragraph down change found to bids All in Favor Motion Carried

Wireman motion to approve the Stockbridge Township Financial Report from April 1, 2024, thru June 17, 2024, Sommer Second All in Favor Motion Carried

Memorial wall Plaque request Debbie Marshall was approved for memorial wall Sommer will follow up with family

Old Business

Stockbridge Township will do a fall cleanup day with Unadilla Township on September 21, 2024

New Business

Muraf motion to allow Hope Sayler to have Vendors in the Square on July 27, 2024, Sommer Second All in Favor Motion Carried

Kitley Special Use Lantis meet with Building inspector at the property and Kitley is moving forward with the process

Muraf, motion we pay $4,443.04 for renewal of MTA membership Sommer Second All in Favor Motion Carried

Sommer motion to change Stockbridge Township square garbage company from LRS to Dana Disposal for $95.00 a month for the dumpster and emptying all trash cans on the square weekly Wetherell Second All in Favor Motion Carried

Muraf motion to hire Karen Eastman for building department back up for $15.00 an hour with 2 days training Sommer Second All in Favor Motion Carried

Sommer motion to pay the Stockbridge Township monthly bills in the amount of $50,268.00 Wireman Second All in Favor Motion Carried

Citizen Comments Discussion – None

Lantis motion to adjourn the Stockbridge Township regular monthly meeting at 7:25PM at the Stockbridge Township Hall Wetherell Second meeting adjourn