Stockbridge Township Supervisor CG Lantis called the Regular Stockbridge Township Board Meeting to order on October 17, 2022, at 7:32pm at the Stockbridge Township Hall. Members present at the Stockbridge Township Regular Board Meeting; Supervisor CG Lantis, Clerk Becky Muraf, Treasurer James Wireman, Trustee Ed Wetherell Trustee Terry Sommer Member absent from meeting: None
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence
Wetherell Motion to accept the Stockbridge Township Regular board meeting agenda as printed Sommer Second Discussion to add on Weather Sirens under old business. Sommer motion to table plaque till November meeting Wireman Second All in Favor Motion Carried
Citizen’s Comments Discussion
Wireman motion to accept the Stockbridge regular meeting minutes as printed Sommer second All in Favor Motion Carried
Wireman Motion to accept the Stockbridge Township Financial report from April 1,2022 to October 17, 2022 Sommer second All in Favor Motion Carried
Stockbridge Township quarterly building report is as followed Zoning Permits 7 New Permits, Building Permits 17 New Permits 2 Window,6 roof,1 assessment,1 pool, 4 pole barns,2 new houses. Electrical Permits 11 new permits, Mechanical permits 9 New Permits, Plumbing Permits 2 new permits, Driveway Permits 1 new permit, Address Permits 1 new permits, Demolition Permits 1 new permit
Sommer motion to accept Ken Palka audit report from Pfeffer, Hanniford Palk CPA as presented Muraf Second All in Favor Motion Carried
Old Business:
Harvest Fest was successful still getting the final numbers
Stockbridge Township Trustee Sommer will be working with Kari Gee on placement of new tree on Stockbridge Township Square
Stockbridge Township new weather sirens will be placed this week
New Business
Muraf motion to table the PTO Event at the Township Hall no representative was present to discuss this event Sommer Second All in Favor Motion Carried
Wireman Motion to table the Stockbridge Township Wind Ordinance until the November 21,2022 Sommer Second All in Favor Motion Carried
Sommer motion to pay the Stockbridge Township Board monthly bills in the amount of $57,168.27 Muraf Second All in Favor Motion Carried
Citizen’s Comment Discussion
Lantis Adjourned the Stockbridge Township Board regular meeting at 8:17 PM Muraf Second All in Favor Motion Meeting adjourn