Stockbridge Township Supervisor CG Lantis called the Regular Stockbridge Township Board Meeting to order on September 20, 2021 at 7:32pm at the Stockbridge Township Hall. Members present at the Stockbridge Township Regular Board Meeting; Supervisor CG Lantis, Clerk Becky Muraf, Treasurer James Wireman, Trustee Ed Wetherell, Trustee Terry Sommer Member absent from meeting: None
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence
Sommer motion to accept the Stockbridge Township Board Regular meeting agenda as written Wetherell Second All in Favor Carried
Citizen’s Comments: Discussion
Wetherell motion to accept the Stockbridge Township Board minutes from August 16, 2021 Sommer Second All in Favor Motion Carried
Wireman Motion to accept the Stockbridge Township Board Financial report as printed Sommer Second Discussion to move $35,000.00 from line 265-956 to a new line for 219 Elm Stockbridge. Wetherell motion to accept the amended Financial report Wireman Second All in Favor Motion Carried
Stockbridge Area Chamber as requested to use the Township Square for Festival of Lights November 27,
Old Business Main Street Computer to discuss camera storage options will get quotes to the Stockbridge Township Board
New Business Wireman motion to approve the Special Use application for DJ and Sons LLC as recommend with the conditions from the Stockbridge Township Planning Commission as followed
Hours open to the public to be limited to 7am-8pm.
All equipment must be stored either inside the pole barn or on the north side of the pole barn.
If at any time the business expands beyond the current parameters the applicant must apply for a modification to the special use permit.
Annual inspections by Stockbridge Township Zoning Inspector.
If at anytime there is a violation of the agreed upon site plans or operating conditions the Stockbridge Township Board may revoke the special use permit.
Village of Stockbridge would like to have Stockbridge Township join and share the Village of Stockbridge policing. Stockbridge Township is still looking to hear what the people have to say, would Stockbridge Township like to have the policing? No Decision has been made.
Sommer motion to approve Zoning Annual Conference cost for Katrina Griffith to attend this year’s virtual conference in the amount of $240.00 Wetherell Second All in Favor Motion Carried
John Beck General Manger of S.A.E.S.A. has asked Stockbridge Township to donate some or all of the American Rescue Plan Act for new equipment for the Ambulance. Stockbridge Township is still waiting for Approval of funds.
Sommer motion to give Stockbridge Area Senior Center upto $6,000.00 from the Stockbridge Township Board for building improvements for 219 Elm. Wireman Second roll call vote Wireman Yes, Sommer Yes, Muraf Yes, Wetherell Yes, Lantis Yes. Motion Carried
Muraf motion to spend $500.00 for Halloween Candy for Halloween on the Stockbridge Township Square Sommer Second All in Favor Motion Carried
Muraf motion to donate $300.00 to the Stockbridge Fire Department for cider and donuts for Halloween on the Square Sommer Second all in Favor Motion Carried.
Sommer motion to pay the Stockbridge Township Board monthly bills in the amount of $78,419.64 Wetherell Second All in Favor Motion Carried
Citizen’s Comments Discussion
Lantis motion to adjourn the Stockbridge township Board regular meeting at 9:00 PM on September 20, 2021 Sommer second All in Favor Motion Carried.