Stuff a Bus: Another example of community heart

by Jo Mayer

It’s always heartening to experience the generosity of the community, and Stuff a Bus was another example of the the Stockbridge area’s largesse. Bags and bags of donated toys, not to mention generous donations of cash, were collected during the event, which was held on December 2 on the Stockbridge Township Square.  Many of the toys were purchased by the Stockbridge School District’s school support staff and the MEA ESP union using proceeds from the organization’s light-pole- decorating contest winnings. Stockbridge Community Outreach has a program in place to ensure these donations help out local families for the holidays.

Thanks to the Stuff a Bus event benefiting Stockbridge Community Outreach, area families in need will have a better Christmas. Pictured from left: Outreach board members Diane Tandy and Cheryl Holloway; drivers Brittany Monette, Rachel Jones, and Brenda Clear; Outreach board chair Jo Mayer; and driver and union president Nikki Clear. Photo provided by Jo Mayer

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