Superintendent Karl Heidrich’s decision to postpone retirement provides stability in trying times

by Amy Haggerty

Karl Heidrich, superintendent for Stockbridge Community Schools, made an honorable decision this week when he rescinded his previously announced retirement decision. Instead of retiring this June, as planned, he will stay on as superintendent for the 2020-2021 school year. A notice was distributed to school staff by school board president Carrie Graham during the week of April 22. In the communication, she expressed that the board was pleased with Heidrich’s decision to stay one more year, emphasizing the impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having on the school district. The board agreed with Heidrich’s decision that this is not the right time for him to retire and for the district to have to undertake the search for a new superintendent.

The Stockbridge Community School District looks forward to another year under the leadership of Superintendent Heidrich. Consensus on Facebook by community members indicates much relief that he is staying another year to support this district through these troubling times.

Karl Heidrich decides to postpone retirement and stay on for another year as school superintendent for Stockbridge Community Schools. The school board welcomes his decision as the district considers the best way to move forward in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo credit: User provider photo.